Building a Plate Your Heart Will Thank You For (11/21)

By University of Tennessee APhA-ASP Memphis 2019-2020 (other events)

Thursday, November 21 2019 4:00 PM 5:00 PM CDT

Members of APhA-ASP’s Operation Heart committee will visit the underserved populations at the Boys and Girls Club in order to educate children about nutritional modifications that can improve heart health. Since this event will take place a week before Thanksgiving, the kids will be given a plate and taught what to include and what to avoid using Thanksgiving food items as examples. Topics covered will include: opting for baked turkey rather than fried turkey, choosing vegetables with a variety of colors as sides, consuming whole grains rather than refined starches, avoiding excess sugar found in desserts and some beverages, and avoiding the addition of salt to dishes. Other lifestyle modifications mentioned will include avoiding tobacco and choosing to exercise, rather than taking the post-Thanksgiving dinner nap! The children will be taught how these small changes – if implemented – can benefit their heart health and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease later on in their lives.

University of Tennessee APhA-ASP Memphis 2019-2020